Top Domain Name Suggestion tools for your next online brand

Domain names has become a hot trend today, every day around 1 lakh new domains gets registered, there are many business and Individuals who make money online through Buying and Selling catchy domain names.

If you are a business or person or entity looking forward for a web presence, buying domain name is your first step, selecting the perfect available domain name for your website is the most important, and oftentimes hardest.

Here we bring you top domain suggestion tools that help you by minimizing the burden of checking availability and suggesting the similar domain names.


With today’s increase in domain name purchases, finding a domain name of our needs with popular TLD’s like .com, .net, .org or .co is too tough. is a fantastic domain name generator that will help you to decide on the perfect fit for your domain name.

2. Domainr

Domainr’s creative approach of finding desired domain name combining along with domain extensions, we can get a desired domain names like Delicious(, monkey( and lastfm(

3. NameBoy

Nameboy’s straight forward approach takes two desired keywords, and  suggests domain names which are combinations of those keywords, their synonyms…

4. Bust A Name.

5. Dot-o-mator

6. StuckDomains

7. DomainsBot